Accept Payments

Using text messaging to accept payment has become an increasingly popular method in recent years. It is a convenient and secure way for businesses and individuals to send and receive money quickly and easily.


Turn Text Messaging Into Revenue $$$

One advantage of using text messaging for payments is that it is fast and convenient. Rather than having to go through the process of writing a check, going to the bank, or waiting for a wire transfer to clear, the recipient can receive funds almost instantly via text message.
  • Create An Invoice From A Conversation

  • Setup Auto Payments

  • Accept Apple Pay and Google Pay

getting payments using messaging
  • Sell products and servicess

  • Request Payment via Text

  • Use the mobile app to take payments

78% of customers prefer to message with businesses

– Google Research

Contact Us Today
You can use the button to schedule a Free Zoom call to discuss your needs, or call us direct at the number below.